As I watched my 6 year old learn how to use the new IPAD in matter of hours and how comfortable she was I noticed something “she managed to download most of the applications of her liking from ITunes and % of operation which she did using a browser where down to 10%”. More interestingly virtual keyboard was used even lesser. This actually got me thinking and specifically in the larger context in terms of Information Technology and what are most likely things going to happen in the coming years.
1. Smart & Rich Application find there way back into main stream: With most new devices be it phone or tablet they provide much richer interface and the browser will soon be out fashioned by the RIA applications installed on the phone or tablets. Interesting advancement in GPU and glass taking the center stage for display allows the potential for rich application development. I see a lot more new frameworks come up in this area. The new User Interface is not limited to the browser. Interactive User Interface Design is really the need of the hour. A closer look at Windows 8 tablet and most of your daily use applications will be replaced by live tiles. The User Interface Design plays a big role in IPAD too “intuitive interactive user interface design and essentially easy to use” that’s the reason major % of IPAD users in US are senior citizens.
2.Live Data: With Rich Applications comes the need of having lot more sensible data on the display. Data is alive essentially its push. I don’t see the devices in a position to either process that kind of data or cache that kind of data, at the same time I see the responsive to be the state of art. This is where the cloud comes into play. The MVC frameworks will have to revisited here to a large extent. The views on the devices are data rich and bank on lot of business intelligence and analytics. This part is essentially cloud.
3.No Keyboard please: The Applications running of device will be intelligent would guess the next expected request of the user well before time. The touch plays a major a role in graphical and non-graphical views and data fetches on these operations will be very many. The chances of user going to the Keyboard will be very limited.
4. Majority Applications in the Cloud: Cloud is the way to go. The bank or the mall next door all of it will be on the cloud in no time. I see majority of the application move to the cloud by 2020. The Cloud geographies have to evolve , at present we see none , the geographies will be defined based on security needs. This may sound slightly stupid. I see a reason for cloud geographies defining based on business needs of data segregation.
5.Internet of things: Most the devices which are likely to come in the mainstream in the coming years will have the capability of connectivity to internet (ANT, ANT+). These devices will be transmitting data to applications on the cloud & can get to the point of taking instructions back from the applications. These instruction could be basic or could be more advanced in terms running a diagnostic check and sending data back to the applications on the cloud. The application on cloud may decide later if a technician needs to be sent on premise or send a set of instruction to solve the problem. With an estimated number of devices been close to 30 billion by 2020 the cloud for devices will have to really huge… & intelligent.
6. Connected all the Time do you really need a Phone: It may feel a bit out of sci-fi movie , an individual with multiple devices is connected all time then why would you need mobile phone. The mobile phone is miniaturized device attached to hear, intelligent one which tells you a person wants to chat/talk to you. Do you really need an expensive mobile to do that job.
I know a lot more is likely to change in our daily lives the way we do things will change. Above are few of things which I think are likely to change. They can be many more. This is just light reading.