Saturday, 18 February 2012

Platforms in the Cloud

Where will your next Application run.


I usually keep track on some cloud celebrities “what are they talking about”. I caught the excerpts on David Chappel “Platform in the Cloud”

This is old conference held sometime June 2k11, theme is around resetting for applications. 

The application platform is at default reset. In the history of our industry we have had many different hardware platform have seen in business computing the mainframe , minicomputers, pc client, pc based server, mobile, 5 platform types. The cloud platform is the 6 platform type. We are poised at resetting our default.  This is not a silver bullet to solve all our current problems


Currently how does an on premise look like



Today when we talk about cloud computing this is what we mean


The definition are pretty much well understood by most folks.

So how does the world look like with cloud computing


Its unlikely in our lifetime we may see the complete organization ecosystem will be in cloud

Roughly below is what is going to transpire

1) Private Cloud

2) Public Cloud Platform

Public Cloud Platforms:

Framework for Comparison

What is cloud Platform?

  • It’s a platform developers build, run & use application.
  • It lets you/developer which allows them to have self service access to a pool of resource
  • With those resources you can ask them in a granular way example a vm for a  days. Cloud Platform you get resources in a granular way.
  • The resource allocation is elastic “What I get I give back”
  • Typically you pay how much you use.

To Distinguish b/w Private & Public

Public Cloud : A cloud platform run by a service provider made available to many end user organization “shared public resources”

Private Cloud : A cloud platform run solely for single end user organization, such as bank or retailer. The technology for both public & private cloud are similar but the economics are very different.

The economics of private cloud platform are very different from public cloud.

Hybrid cloud is the most common theme we see.

Cloud Platform Technologies

  • Computing
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)


  • Relational Storage
  • Scale out storage
  • Blobs

Many more things

  • Messaging, identity , caching.

Computing – Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)



IaaS is a virtual machine on the cloud with the desired operating system, can control can install application. The end user will have manage the VM and will need administrative skills.

Contrasting IaaS with Paas Iin conjunction with computing

As developer one would just give the application and let PaaS define when and where to run you application, there is no requirement of administrative knowledge.  You cannot control.

Which is better? It depends.

If I want to move from existing application from on premise to the cloud one may end up using IaaS.

IaaS is more widely use then PaaS ( 10 times more revenue then IaaS). The reason is IaaS is the closed to an on premise. In the long term its PaaS will win, for new application. Considering one would want to caught down on the last mile administration cost.



Relational very similar to SQL. On cloud the relational storage may not be always be good in cases where I have huge amount of data.

Most public platform provides today scale out storage. No support fo Sql

It’s a large name value store.  Scale out will not displace Sql in the short term.

The downside of scale out is unknown technologes, few tools, significant data lock in.

Blobs – Binary Large Objects.Good for storage of videos and backups



Basic distinction is public & private. Above the summarization.

Lets walk through for 5 major providers.

  • Microsoft
  • VMWare
  • Amazon
  • Google
  • Sales Force


Important Scenario where a Public Cloud Platforms

  • App development : VM based dev/ test environment -  Currently been offered by Amazon.
  • Apps with variable load- classic case tax filing- use a public cloud platform pay only for what you use, pay for the spike.
  • Apps that do parallel processing – financial modeling
  • Apps that need massive scale – next face book.
  • Apps that need high reliability
  • Apps with a short or unpredictable lifetime
  • Apps that must fail fast or scale fast
  • Apps that don’t fit well in an organizations data center
  • Example – a business unit that wishes to avoids its IT department
  • Apps that can benefit from external storage

The major discussion today on cloud is security


Private Clouds – From Server Virtualization to Private Clouds. – Its VM’s on demand in your enterprise.

Microsoft does this with hyper V in the organization datacenter. Its after all for IaaS in public the same technology is used in public cloud – IaaS. For a pure public cloud Windows Azure is the PaaS technology.

Windows Azure Platform



Windows Azure MSFT PAAS offering has different roles the web role, worker role & coming vm role. It has a load balancer

Pricing on Windows Azure

Compute $0.05/ hour to – $0.96 for each instance a wall clock.


Blobs and tables

  • Data : $ 0.15 /GB per month
  • Access: $0.01 / 10k operations


  • $ 9.99 / GB per month

Bandwidth: $0.10 /GB in ,$ 0.15 / GB out


VMWare does the same vCloud in private cloud and the same offering i.e vCloud in public.

Cloud Foundry is a PaaS technology for compute and storage option its an open source PaaS platform

Designed to support diverse technologies

  • Frameworks: Spring, Rail etc..
  • Storage : Mysql, MongoDB

Not yet available as a service

  • VMWare provides a public/ dev test service
  • Partner will provide commercial public platform

VM ware is looking for hosters to run there PaaS offering.


Public Cloud Offering

EC2 is IaaS service

Paas Service – Elastic Beanstalk


  • RDS – Relational Storage Service
  • Simple DB
  • S3 – Blob

Broader View of IaaS/ PaaS

More than cloud compute can be viewed through the IaaS/ PaaS lens

Example Cloud options for relations storage

Runs a database server in AWS EC2 VM

An IaaS storage service

Use a managed database server with AWS RDS

Use a managed database service with Sql Azure

  • A Paas Service

Amazon pricing

Compute : $0.02/ hour to $3.68/ hour for each VM ( depending on size and OS)

Storage ( blobs)

  • Data: $0.14 / GB per month to $ 0.037 / GB per month ( depending on the data size and redundancy.
  • Access: $0.01/ 1000 PUT, COPY , POST , LIST operations, $ 0.01/ 10000 GET operations

Bandwidth: $ 0.10 /GB in , $ 0.15/ GB to $0.08 / GB out (depending on the volume)

Amazon private cloud – Eucalyptus company has EC2 and S3 on private cloud offering.


Commodization of IaaS

Public IaaS compute service is widely available today

Providers include

  • GoGrid Cloud Hosting
  • Telemark vCloud Express
  • IBM Smart Cloud Enterprise
  • Rackspace Cloud Servers : Leader in creating OpenStack , open source IaaS private/ public cloud platform software with NASA.


Totally public cloud

AppEngine is Paas , no Datastore , Blob Store no relational storage.



The bottom line for Google whom are they targeting with no relational storage.

Pricing is very different

Compute: $0.10 / CPU hour – compute time


  • Datastore: $0.15 GB/ GB per month
  • Blobstore: $0.15 / GB per month

Bandwidth: $0.10/ GB in , $ 0.12 / GB out

App Engine allows some free usage every day

Google has realized the need to a relational storage and now begun to revamp . Very tiny market share.


App Force, VMForce: some what of a PaaS offering, Sales force has been made for a very different problem set. not truly relational more like object database.

Pricing of Sales Force




The complete video is at

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